Centre-based assessments are available in every week of the year. You can choose a date and time convenient to you according to availability at your choice of our centres. ICB has a network of 5200 centres across the world.
Centre-Based Assessments
The following assessments must be completed by sitting a paper in a centre:
Paper BA7 - Level III External Assessment - 2 HOUR ASSESSMENT
Paper ABA9 - Level IV External Assessment - 2 HOUR ASSESSMENT
When and where are the assessments?
You are completely in control of when and where you complete your assessment, and can choose from our global network of centres using the online booking centre. There are no set deadline dates for booking, but availability will vary.
Find your nearest centre
You can search for your nearest centre via our third-party booking site:
> Third-Party Booking Site
When you have passed the necessary assessments to book your centre-based assessment, we will issue you with a special username and password for booking via the third-party site.
You can choose when you take your assessment according to availability at your nominated centre. Please book at least two weeks in advance to avoid disappointment.
> Booking an assessment
What to take with you to the assessment
It is vital that you bring two forms of accepted ID or you will not be permitted to take your assessment.
One form of ID must be government-issued and have a photograph of you and a copy of your signature (eg. your passport). Secondary ID needs to show your name and signature (eg. bank card).
If your primary ID is a driving licence or Identity Card (rather than a passport), it must be goverment-issued by the country in which you are taking the assessment. If you have any further questions about ID, please call ICB or your assessment centre directly once you have booked your assessment and read the ID Requirements information thoroughly.
Please read:
> ID Requirements
Personal Items
You will not be permitted to take any personal items into the assessment room with you. Some assessment centres will permit you to bring your own calculator with you. In the event that you are not permitted your own calculator, the centre will provide you with one. You will be provided with a locker for storage. Please note that personal items include ID, wallet, course materials, phone, and scrap paper. You will be provided with writing materials once you are inside the assessment room.
Please read:
> Assessment Centre rules
What will the assessment centre be like?
The assessments are run at dedicated centres that are only used for assessment purposes. You will be required to register at the front desk and provide two forms of ID when you arrive. You may undergo further ID checks such as fingerprinting.
You will be completing your assessment in a room with other people, sitting different assessments. There will be an invigilator present at all times and you will be constantly monitored.
How will I know if I am booked in for my assessment?
Once you have booked your assessment you will receive a confirmation email from the booking centre.
How do I choose a centre?
If you are eligible to take a centre-based assessment your account has already been set up at the online booking centre. Using the online booking centre you will be able to find your nearest centres according to your postcode. You can then compare available assessment slots at your local centres and confirm which slot you wish to book.
You can also book in for your assessment by telephone if you prefer. Please navigate to the third-party booking site for contact details.
If you call the ICB directly we will not be able to make your booking for you, but we will be happy to help.
> Third-Party Booking Site
How do I pay for my assessment?
You should pay for your assessment by debit or credit card via the booking site, or by calling them directly.
If your course provider has told you that they will pay for your assessment you will be sent a voucher code by email. Please get in touch with them if you have not received this.
I am partially disabled and I can't see or hear very well
ICB can ensure that your nearest centre is able to make the appropriate accommodations and your needs are properly addressed. Please give us as much notice as possible to make sure you are not disappointed. The majority of centres will have wheelchair access for example, but the facility for enlarging the onscreen text for you must be arranged at least two weeks before your assessment sitting. In certain circumstances it may be possible to arrange for the paper to be read out to you.
If you think you need any changes to the assessment itself, please see below.
Can I have extra time or a change to the assessment?
If you would like to apply for extra time to compensate for something like dyslexia, CFS, dyspraxia, or if you have difficulty with your eyesight or mobility, please get in touch with ICB well in advance of your intended assessment. You will be asked to complete a form to be submitted to ICB together with a Doctor's note, pyschologists report, or specialist teacher's report, confirming the reason for the adjustment or extra time requirement and indicating what adjustments or percentage extra time you may need.
For more information on examination adjustments please read:
> Requesting Special Consideration
Can I leave the exam room to use the toilet, take medication or stretch my legs?
You will be permitted to leave the exam room, but you will not be permitted to access the personal items in your locker. If you need to take medication during the examination you should notify the test centre upon arrival and follow their instructions.
When you leave the exam room, the timer on your exam will not stop and you will not be given any extra time.
Issuing of Results
You will receive a Pass or Fail notification at the centre before you leave. A breakdown of your mark will be available in your online MyICB account within 24 hours. Qualification certificates are issued by post within 28 days.
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