Your assessment. When and where you want.
Home-Based Assessments
All assessments are completed at home with the exception of the two manual bookkeeping assessments (Papers BA7 & ABA9).
You can log in to MyICB to book assessments that you are eligible for. You become eligible for an assessment by completing any preceding assessments and by having ICB student registration or membership. For further details about the qualification structure please visit:
> Current Qualifications
When and where are the assessments?
Home-based assessments can be completed anywhere that you can connect securely to the internet and open your emails.
All home-based assessments are available immediately upon booking with details sent to your registered email address.
What do I need to complete my assessment at home?
You will need access to the internet and your emails for all home-based assessments. If your assessment requires you to use accounting software you will need to supply your own.*
You must complete and submit your assessment within 14 days of booking or your assessment will expire and become void. If you do not attempt your assessment within the 14 days your attempt will be graded as a Fail and you will be required to pay to resit.
Immediately upon booking you will receive a confirmation email with further instructions. The email will be sent to your registered email address and you should check your SPAM/Junk folders if your email does not arrive as expected.
There are two different types of home-based assessment: 'timed' and 'not-timed'.
*For the computerised assessments, candidates must have their own computerised accounting software package. Any computerised accounting software package can be used but Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheets are not appropriate. ICB would advise candidates to exercise caution when using software trial versions as they may offer restricted functionality. For example, a standard Sage trial version does not permit the user to print out the requisite reports.
Your booking confirmation email will provide a link to your online assessment. You will complete the assessment on the ICB website. Once you have started the assessment you will not be able to pause it and must complete the work in one sitting. Your assessment might time-out if it is left idle for too long.
ICB cannot be held responsible for loss of internet access, computer breakdown or any other problem arising from technical issues on the candidate’s personal computer. You must therefore ensure you have sufficient facilities to complete the assessment within the allotted time-frame before applying.
Your results will be available immediately in your MyICB account. Certificates will be available to purchase within 28 days of completing the assessment.
Your booking confirmation email will provide a link to the ICB website where you can download your assessment as a pdf document immediately. You can then complete the work in your own time with your own accounting software as appropriate.*
Once you have finished you will upload your work to the ICB website as per the instructions in your assessment paper. Although the work itself is not timed you must submit your work within 14 days of booking. As a guide, a competent student should be able to complete the work in three hours.
ICB cannot be held responsible for loss of internet access, computer breakdown or any other problem arising from technical issues on the candidate’s personal computer. You must therefore ensure you have sufficient facilities to complete the paper within the allotted time-frame before applying.
*For the computerised assessments, candidates must have their own computerised accounting software package. Any computerised accounting software package can be used but Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheets are not appropriate. ICB would advise candidates to exercise caution when using software trial versions as they may offer restricted functionality. For example, a standard Sage trial version does not permit the user to print out the requisite reports.
For the Level IV Diploma in Financial Management unit, Business Taxation, candidates are required to complete their assessment using Microsoft Word format (or something similar), saved as a PDF, to submit their answers.
Your results will be made available in your MyICB account within 28 days.
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