Here you can discover more about ICB and our members by watching our series of short videos.

What is a Bookkeeper?

Find out what sort of work bookkeepers do in this short infographic video based on data from the annual Members Survey.  


ICB Up in the Clouds, January 2014

The launch of ICB's cloud campaign in January 2014.  Sage One, Xero and Clear Books joined ICB on the EDF Energy London Eye to educate ICB members and students on the latest trends in cloud based bookkeeping and accounting software.


Bookkeepers Summit 2013

The 2013 Bookkeepers Summit was held in London for 300 ICB bookkeepers, with speakers and exhibitors representing the industry and profession. 

Studying to be a Bookkeeper

Inspiring stories about doing a home study course in bookkeeping from five students who were nominated as Student of the Year in ICB's Annual Luca Awards.


Running a Bookkeeping Business

Find out what it's like running your own bookkeeping business from five ICB entrepreneurs who were nominated as Practice of the Year in ICB's Annual Luca Awards.

Interview with ICB Royal Patron HRH Prince Michael of Kent GCVO

HRH Prince Michael discusses the crucial role that bookkeepers play in the financial management of business across the world.

The Certified Bookkeeper

Meet some Certified Bookkeepers both employed and self-employed and hear how the ICB qualification is both 'an end in itself and a stepping stone to higher study'.

ICB CPD Seminars

This sneek peak at the benefits of attending one of ICB's CPD Seminars, looks back at MLR events by the seaside.


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Professional status, global recognition, support, exclusive discounts, and the kinship of the world’s biggest bookkeeper community.

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Advice on running your own bookkeeping business and information on ICB's Practice Licence scheme.

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If we are unable to award exemptions based on your qualification or experience, you can take our examinations to gain membership.

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If you are an experienced bookkeeper or have comparable qualifications, you may be able to gain an exemption from ICB examinations.

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