
Become a member and gain enhanced professional status, receive on-going support, and be recognised globally as part of the world’s most engaged bookkeeping community

You can become a member of the world’s largest and most engaged bookkeeping community in two different ways; by assessment in ICB qualifications if you have no prior experience, or by exemption if you have relevant qualifications or work experience.1

Membership by Assessment

Become a member by achieving ICB’s globally recognised qualifications. You can study at home or in the classroom with one of our award-winning training providers. ICB Certified Bookkeepers stand out from the crowd when applying for bookkeeping jobs or starting a bookkeeping business.

Become a member by assessment

Membership by Exemption

Use your existing qualifications and/or bookkeeping work experience to achieve exemption into ICB membership and benefit from enhanced professional status, on-going support, and recognition as part of the world’s leading bookkeeping body. See the table below to find out which qualifications correspond to ICB’s own membership grades, and where you could be granted exemption.2

Become a member by exemption


Qualification benchmarking  

The table below highlights how ICB qualifications correspond to other bookkeeping and accountancy qualifications: 

Exemptions Table

1An offer of membership is subject to terms and conditions.

2This table is intended as a guide only, and is subject to change. Applications for membership by exemption based on past qualifications are assessed individually on a case by case basis, and an offer of membership cannot be guaranteed. Applications for membership by exemption are assessed individually on a case by case basis, and an offer of membership cannot be guaranteed.  You may also be required to sit an ICB assessment.


If we are unable to award exemptions based on your qualification or experience, you can take our examinations to gain membership.

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If you are an experienced bookkeeper or have comparable qualifications, you may be able to gain an exemption from ICB examinations.

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Professional status, global recognition, support, exclusive discounts, and the kinship of the world’s biggest bookkeeper community.

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Study globally recognised bookkeeping courses at home or in the classroom with our award winning training providers.

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