You are not alone. Mock papers can help you prepare & the Forum can help you stay motivated.
Mocks or 'Practice Papers' are available to purchase from the online Shop 24 hours a day and are available immediately. You can also call ICB to order a mock or ask your Accredited Training Provider.
Mocks make an excellent tool for assessment preparation and ICB strongly suggests that every student attempt at least one. They give a good idea of what the actual assessment is like and can help you learn to pace yourself to complete the questions in time.
Please be aware that each assessment and mock may only cover part of the ICB syllabus and you should therefore not assume that because a topic has been omitted from the mock it will not appear in the assessment itself. Knowledge of the full ICB syllabus is essential.
There are two types of mock: Downloadable and Online.
Downloadable mocks are pdf copies of past assessment papers and model answers. Your pdf copy is emailed to you immediately upon booking and will need to be downloaded and saved to your computer.
Online mocks are timed 'simulations' that mirror the actual assessment experience so they make a great final step before doing the real thing. Online mocks are only available for assessments completed in a centre, or at home by timed online test.
Your online mock will be available immediately on the ICB website. Once you've started you won't be able to pause it, so you need to complete the work in one sitting. Your mock might time-out if it is left idle for too long.
Online mocks are only available to complete once as a timed test, but you can print from screen for future reference. After you have completed the online mock, you can read through the answers you gave, together with the model answers, via your report in MyICB.
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