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Sole Trader scrapping fully depreciated van

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  • # 122978

I have a sole trader who has scrapped a fully depreciated van and I can cant think how to treat it in the accounts. Does the income need to be declared? is it taxed? They were sold for far less than it was brought.




  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 6 posts
  • # 122982


Tinac1981 said:

I have a sole trader who has scrapped a fully depreciated van and I can cant think how to treat it in the accounts. Does the income need to be declared? is it taxed? They were sold for far less than it was brought.




 Hi Tina,

You should have a Van-Asset Account and depreciation account (Or Motor Vehicle Depreciation) in your balance sheet.

Say your client bought a van for £1000 and kept it for the depreciable period.


Detail                                                       Dr                       Cr

-------                                                    ------                --------

Van A/c [As an Asset]                             1000.00

Van Depreciation                                                            £1000.00


you can credit van a/c and debit Van Disposal A/c in P&L and

debit Van Depreciation a/c and credit to Van Dispose A/c. 

Whatever realization have your client for a depreciated van you can debit cash/Bank A/c and credit Van Disposal A/c.


So that is how it will work in journal entries:


Detail                                                       Dr                       Cr

-------                                                    ------                --------

Van A/c [As an Asset]                                                     1000.00

Van Disposal A/c [P&L item]                   1000.00

Van Depreciation                                   1000.00

Van Disposal A/c [P&L item]                                            1000.00

Cash A/c [say realized 100]                      100.00

Van Disposal A/c                                                              100.00


That is how you will get your client's P&L credited by £100.00, which you can treat as other income.


Hope this will find you helpful. 

Thank you.


  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 6 posts
  • # 122983

Tinac1981 said:

I have a sole trader who has scrapped a fully depreciated van and I can cant think how to treat it in the accounts. Does the income need to be declared? is it taxed? They were sold for far less than it was brought.




 Hi Tina,


No matter how much is sold for, for a fully appreciated van it will be treated as profit as WDA [Written Down Allowance] must have been claimed while doing tax return.

If not claimed and the van is used for full business purposes, you can write it off the same way as I show the journal. In that case, you do not have a depreciation account and the balance will be debit and treated as a loss.


Thank you.

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