Hi All
Has anybody successfully managed to change their contact adrress with HMRC for their PAYE agent services account?
I moved 2 years ago and they are still showing my old address against all my Payroll clients.
So far I've made at least 4 phone calls, to 3 different numbers (all from HMRC's own website contact numbers.
I've sent at least 4 letters to 2 different addresses - both given to me by HMRC phone calls. The latest one is now showing online as the correct address - although I'm sure it wasn't there when I was first trying to do this.
Updating your tax agent contact details with HMRC - GOV.UK
My last two letters have been follow ups to the one reply I've had (I miss-typed a reference!! so they didn't update any of the clients?).
Both to the same address (BX9 1AN) that did reply to me. And no subsequent replies, or changes at all.
I'm moving again in the next year - it would be nice to get the update done at least once successfully