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  • # 122011



I've been in practice a few years now but i'm getting increasing concerned about compliance and what I should be doing - currently I:


- Do a TOFE for everyone and take copies of ID

- Do an AML check online and review annually

- Completed a plan for GDPR

- Have everything under lock & key at home

- Complete and lock CPD online

Is there anything else I should be doing? Ive probably missed more from the list but the compliance side of things I just dont feel on top of! 




  • Companion Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 1139 posts
  • # 122013

Everything you need can be found on this website under Resources presuming you have a practice Licence 

ICB resources for bookkeepers Some of the contact is not available if you do not have a practice licence. You will see a line of tabs covering various sections. 

Edited at 24 Apr 2022 11:28 AM GMT

  • Companion Fellow PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 42 posts
  • # 122020

There's no need to worry. Please do download the 21-point AML To Do List here: 

And book yourself in for the Inspire Tour which starts next week and runs throughout May at eight different in-person locations and is repeated again online on Friday 27th May. Recordings of the main sessions will be available online after that too.

At the Inspire Tour our compliance team will be offering practical explanations of what needs to be done:

Join us for an interactive session exploring AML from the bookkeeper's perspective including:

-Onboarding a new client and correctly adding them to AML Online
-Writing and updating your Whole of Practice Risk Assessment
-Writing and updating your Policy and Procedure document

Your nearest event is probably in London on 26th May and runs from 10am to 4pm. Virtual-only tickets are also available if you just want to attend online.

All tickets include access to our online events platform for networking, messaging and video meetings. The main sessions will be made available to watch online from 27th May onwards.

In-person tickets include lunch and the opportunity to hear from your local branch chair and a local business/political figure. There are also special guests at a few events like Della Hudson who is speaking at Exeter and Cardiff on the subject of Pricing - How to charge what you're worth. In Birmingham we have the UKFIU discussing Reporting Suspicious Activity.

Our main sponsor Sage will be attending all the in-person events and exhibiting online, and we will also have a few other sponsors attending some of the in-person events.

We highly recommend members try to attend an in-peron event where humanly possible. ICB's co-founders June and Garry Carter will be doing the whole tour expressly to meet you and this will be a great opportunity to network with local bookkeepers and even go for a drink afterwards if you have time.

I'll be there at Exeter, Cardiff, London and Peterborough and literally can't wait!


Get your tickets via these links - they're £70 but this is reduced to £62 if you manage to get an Earlybird ticket before they sell out

(these are the prices for students and members of ICB. Non-members are very welcome and tickets are Standard price: £78 or Earlybird price: £70)


Hope to see you there!



Edited at 26 Apr 2022 06:32 PM GMT

Edited at 26 Apr 2022 06:32 PM GMT

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