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ICB Diary / Planner

  • 8 posts
  • # 119675


Hi all

I know talking about paper diaries is a bit old school, (and don't get me wrong, I love that technology makes my life easier) but I was wondering which planners people use, and if the ICB have ever considered producing one that is adapted especially for bookkeepers. I have the mother of all planners, and I love it, but it's missing things like a CPD or training tracker, accounting type reminders like P11d deadlines, tax rates, VAT rates, AML reminders. It could also include ICB event dates. 

Just a thought! 


  • 122 posts
  • # 119676

I'm still old school and use a paper diary and have a large whiteboard in my office too for noting down upcoming deadlines, as well as numerous spreadsheets, showing VAT quarter's, client's year ends etc.  I like the idea of an ICB bookkeepers diary and as an outgoing member of the advisory council/new member of ICB staff I will bring it up with the powers that be.  


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