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Leaflet dropping during lockdown

  • 6 posts
  • # 119662

Hi all,


Your general feeling on doing a leaflet drop please!

I have googled this and on the marketting your business in this way is fine , I myself find myself torn between feeling its to early and may cause damage to my reputation to thinking its the perfect time to get out there start getting known and helping people re-build there businesses.


Any Input would be great













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  • 10 posts
  • # 119664

Depends on your area Lee but all things should be tried.

Uptake on drops tend to be low single % return so manage your expectation on what you hope to get out of it And dont spend too much on glossy leaflets.

good luck


  • 1 post
  • # 119665

Hi Lee

Completely agree with Paul, when I very first started out, which was a long time ago, I did a leaflet drop, someone told me for every 100 expect 1 reply. They were absolutely spot on, but that one reply got me going and from then on it was word of mouth.

So be prepared for this, but still worth doing if tha 1 reply leads you through to more clients.

Hope that helps



  • 6 posts
  • # 119666

Squirrel said:

Hi Lee

Completely agree with Paul, when I very first started out, which was a long time ago, I did a leaflet drop, someone told me for every 100 expect 1 reply. They were absolutely spot on, but that one reply got me going and from then on it was word of mouth.

So be prepared for this, but still worth doing if tha 1 reply leads you through to more clients.

Hope that helps



 Thanks Both,


I'm aware that the uptake is low but the value on getting "Brand" awareness as such will be invaluable! plus it gives my son a little exercise, what I'm more concerned about is the publics opinion on if they think its too soon with COVID 19, I don't want my phone ringing for the wrong reason ie: to get and earfull from "Derek down the road". if that makes sense ?

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