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Level 2 computerised book-keeping B3

  • 26 posts
  • # 117278

Id be grateful for advice if anyone has done the B3 exam level 2. Im using sage and have requested a mock from ICB, however it worrys me how I get the exam to them. Sage lets you export reports, ie to PDF files or excel which is then saved on your desktop PC. But Ive heard people refer to 'upload', how is this done. I know about email attachments and zip files as attachments to emails, but I havent a clue about uploads. I dont want to start a mock exam and flumax about getting the information to ICB??? This is stressing me. Thank you in advance 'anyone' for any help. Penny

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 5 posts
  • # 117279


Remember this is only a mock so don't stress out over it, you do the mocks to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam and learn from any errors if you make them. This exam doesn't require you to send your report files back to ICB for marking as they send you the question pdf and the answers in the same zip file. Within the zip file is a information pdf that tells you the process on how to create and name your file and for the main exam it will expalin the process on how to 'upload' your folder with your report files.

Hope this helps


Edited at 09 Nov 2018 07:55 PM GMT

  • 26 posts
  • # 117281

Applegarth said:


Remember this is only a mock so don't stress out over it, you do the mocks to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam and learn from any errors if you make them. This exam doesn't require you to send your report files back to ICB for marking as they send you the question pdf and the answers in the same zip file. Within the zip file is a information pdf that tells you the process on how to create and name your file and for the main exam it will expalin the process on how to 'upload' your folder with your report files.

Hope this helps


Edited at 09 Nov 2018 07:55 PM GMT

 Dear Kevin

Thank you so very much that has reassured me. Thank you for taking the time to advise me. Penny 

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