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B1 and B2 moral support!

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  • # 116817

Hi everyone, 

I started doing my level 2 in January and am starting to think this was a terrible idea. I decided to do level 2-4 plus payroll to help my husband with our business and also so that I have another career to fall back on if I want a change when my children are both in school - I'm a marine biologist by trade! 

I'm desperately trying to prep for the B1 and B2 papers - its taken me this long because I'm juggling working part-time in my normal job, working for my husband one day a week, have two small children and we're mid house renovations. I still have to do the mocks so hoping that will help as at the moment I'm just hovering under the pass grade by only a few percent. I guess I'm just asking if anyone else struggled at this stage in their course. I'm worried that I won't pass the exams and if I can't pass level 2, how will I ever get to level 4?! 

Has anyone got any advice or just words of wisdom? Could really do with some positivity that this will improve and my sleep deprived, stressed brain can in fact do this!


  • 44 posts
  • # 116827


You don't do things in small measures, do you?! My advice, for what it's worth, would be to try and concentrate on the Level 2 before worrying about the future that holds Level 4! You are putting more strain on yourself with worrying about the future!

Perhaps you would be better off doing the Level 2 first, then going on to do the payroll, then Level 3 etc. Little bites rather than big chomps!

You can do it. Just take a bit more time. This advice is nothing you probably haven't thought about already!!

Hope this helps!

Kind regards


  • 44 posts
  • # 116828


You don't do things in small measures, do you?! My advice, for what it's worth, would be to try and concentrate on the Level 2 before worrying about the future that holds Level 4! You are putting more strain on yourself with worrying about the future!

Perhaps you would be better off doing the Level 2 first, then going on to do the payroll, then Level 3 etc. Little bites rather than big chomps!

You can do it. Just take a bit more time. This advice is nothing you probably haven't thought about already!!

Hope this helps!

Kind regards


  • Member PM.Dip
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  • # 116830


I can understand that you are a graduate from the other faculty, working for two jobs as well as looking after your children. Trust me, I am now 46 years old doing two kind of full time jobs and am only working as my wife is not able to work. I have successfully completed level 2 after 5 months of starting the course, which I could have done in less than two months being accountancy background. Even I would like to be self employed as soon as I can. Have faith in yourself, try couple of mock exams, gain some confedence that will be helpful to complete the level 2. The main advantage of this course is that you can start your own practice after completeing the level 3 and than continue with level 4. Just give it a go to gain moral and confedence. All the best.!!!!!


Thank you very much.


Kind regards,


  • Associate
  • 17 posts
  • # 116840

HRM Bookkeeping Serv said:


You don't do things in small measures, do you?! My advice, for what it's worth, would be to try and concentrate on the Level 2 before worrying about the future that holds Level 4! You are putting more strain on yourself with worrying about the future!

Perhaps you would be better off doing the Level 2 first, then going on to do the payroll, then Level 3 etc. Little bites rather than big chomps!

You can do it. Just take a bit more time. This advice is nothing you probably haven't thought about already!!

Hope this helps!

Kind regards


 Thanks, we do have a lot going on but I decided to do the training now because my work is a little uncertain and I don't want to find myself out on my ear with nothing to fall back on. Just worried I'll run out of time to get it all done! Will do as you suggest!

  • Associate
  • 17 posts
  • # 116841

Mehul said:


I can understand that you are a graduate from the other faculty, working for two jobs as well as looking after your children. Trust me, I am now 46 years old doing two kind of full time jobs and am only working as my wife is not able to work. I have successfully completed level 2 after 5 months of starting the course, which I could have done in less than two months being accountancy background. Even I would like to be self employed as soon as I can. Have faith in yourself, try couple of mock exams, gain some confedence that will be helpful to complete the level 2. The main advantage of this course is that you can start your own practice after completeing the level 3 and than continue with level 4. Just give it a go to gain moral and confedence. All the best.!!!!!


Thank you very much.


Kind regards,


 Thanks Mehul, sounds like you have a lot on your plate too! 

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