Hi Karla,
As you are already doing accounting I would advise to not go through a study company but merely use the mock exams and syllabus details on this website to see what is required of you and to take a book from the library that will help you in any areas that you still need. I paid a lot for the study (I don’t have any previous experience so a tutor was necessary) but have recently loaned a book from the library which is virtually identical in content to the study packs I have got!!
I am not really sure about software packages as I received Sage to get me through my studies, having looked at others though quite a few do a 30 day free trial so if you know what exams you need it for and time it right this might be the way forward. Hopefully someone with more software knowledge will be along to help you. I also know that Exact Online have a monthly fee and a 30 day cancellation period.
I have just passed my BA6 and booked my final BA7 for Friday 13th May! So still in the process but hopefully getting my practice licence soon.
My email is jules170180@yahoo.co.uk if you wanted to chat about anything away from the forum.
Good luck with the baby :)