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Certificate in Bookkeeping (computerised) Level II Practical Assessment

  • 8 posts
  • # 105884


I am in the process of completing the practical assessment at the back of the Kaplan LII computerised book, and I am totally stuck on task 2.7!

I have balanced all the accounts, apart from the bank account. After a manual calculation and a computerised calculation, I have a total figure on the bank account of £15402.59. The Answers at the back of the book state the bank balance should be £15408.59. So I am £6 off, I have checked every and spent hours double checking all my inputting and I still come up with the same figure. 

Has anyone else had the same problem? Is it me doing something wrong?!

Thank you 


  • 3 posts
  • # 105895

Hi Tamzin.
I have the Level II book and have followed what you said.
If you would be happy to email me a copy of your Trial Balance then I would be happy to take a look at it for you.
My email is:
Many thanks

  • 6 posts
  • # 105900

Hi Rich & Tamzin, I am new to ICB, pardon me for jumping on this thread. Currently I am working for my B3 exam. Can you advise me any software? On-line will be OK?




  • 3 posts
  • # 105905

Hi Marvin
I have just sent you an email.
With best regards

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence Without Supervision
  • 3 posts
  • # 111716

richpagejones said:

Hi Marvin
I have just sent you an email.
With best regards

Hi Rich

I am plannıng to take B3 for Level 2 but I am studying on my own and I dont have any accounting system. Can you advise any accounting software which is free or less expensesivene?

Thanks a lot


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