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ICB Membership...confusion!

  • Member
  • Practice Licence
  • 12 posts
  • # 84514

Hi all

Sorry if I'm being a bit thick, but to be honest it's all quite alien to me so I hope someone can help with a little confusion I'm having.

I'm currently a student member, but have recently passed my manual levels 1 and 2 and computerised level 2. According to this website that makes me an Associate member.

I'm currently working on my computerised level 3.

My membership expires in September I believe. Since passing the exams I have not been asked to upgrade memberships (not sure if I should have?!)

So....if I don't get round to taking my level 3 computerised by then, will I re-join as an Associate for £54? If I do manage to pass my exam by then I will have to join as a "Member" and pay more (£84 I think it was!?)

Can someone explain to me if I should hang on and wait until I have renewed my membership as I'm totally confused and don't want to be out of pocket unnessessarily as I'm on maternity leave and £30 is a lot of money!!

Also, what is the difference between student, affliliate, associate, and member membership, except exams passed? Is there any benefit to them?

Many thanks for your time.

  • 15 posts
  • # 84517

I had similar confusion earlier on my result but received no response form the ICB untill I sent an email.

Hence, I am thinking from Ami's comment above, that the ICB's idea is to save the students some money untill they  decide on upgrading, fine!

However, I am also having the feeling that something is wrong somewhere because when you purchase a service, it is a general norm that you are supplied accoridng to the terms/specifications.... It is clearly stated on the site that you'l have to pay and pass at certain level to be awarded a particular status, without excemption. And having fulfilled such requirements, It should be expected of the ICB to authomatically, award the status without, further conditions or rather 'keep mute' untill you call/mail, to find out what was happening!

To eliminate confusions, Annual Subsciption should be annual thing, right, but the 'new fee' should beging, as per 'your status' in the 'new year'! (please check with other professional bodies). Supposing, I have moved from student to member within the year I registered, then I have to pay A.S. as a member in the beging of the new year! but I would be very happy seeing my status reflecting my effeort, as progress! (if I am making any sense)

Anyway, I am not protesting here, but only voicing my view/opinion/shock! and I am stand to be corrected.



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