I failed my computerised level 2 I got 84% ! but I used clearbooks and just wondered if anybody has used this to pass the computerised exam? I requested an examiners report to find out why and apparantly 6 of the reports were insufficient and did not show the required information, there were also a few other mistakes. I wondered if i should use the online xero trial to retake it has anyone used this and passed? or should i continue with clearbooks?
Many Thanks
Hi Tallybeans, I would like to ask you a question: Did you account for a mock paper using clearbooks making sure you could get all requested reports?
If you did not I suggest you do. The software I would recommend is Accounts portal. Xero should also do the job but whatever accounting software you use, I suggest you trial it using a mock exam.
Hope this help,
Hi nathalie
Thanks for your reply I did not do a mock on clear books but I did have access to a mock so like you say I should have tried to print reports needed. I chose to use fusion in the end to complete the computerised exam on I found it printed all the required reports so now I am just awaiting the results! Let's hope I pass this time.
Hi Tracy,
Hope everything goes well for you.
Please keep us posted about the result and feedback on Fusion.
Kind Regards,
I a trying to do level 2 comp. exam and I would like to download a free trial software, I have tried vt transaction but is not printing all the reports. could anybody suggest a try and tested free trial software, does sage have any? i would really appreciate your answer
best regards
Hi Bosco
I am still waiting for my result but I found fusion had all the reports I needed.
Tracy Hills
Hi Tracy,
Thank you for your advise, I have just logged in, I am hoping is fine .
Thank you and good luck with your results
Hi all ,
I passed the computerised Level 2 with 95% a distinction so happy as now will apply for my practice licence.
Hi Tracy well done!
Good luck with the practice
Hi Tallybeans,
Congratulations for computerised exam.
Did you retake your exam using clearbooks?
Kind Regards,
Hi Nathalie
I passed my exam using Fusion wish I had used it first time as it has all the reports needed.
Now I have applied for my practice licence, I am researching software to use for clients. Have you ever used the online xero software?
Tracy hills
Edited at 03 Jul 2012 03:13 PM GMT
Hi tracy
Would you be able to tell me how to enter the opening balance in fusion, I would really appreciate help
Best regards bosco
“Hi Nathalie
I passed my exam using Fusion wish I had used it first time as it has all the reports needed.
Now I have applied for my practice licence, I am researching software to use for clients. Have you ever used the online xero software?
Tracy hills
Edited at 03 Jul 2012 03:13 PM GMT”
Hi Tracy,
I used Fusion for computerised level 2 only.
I have not used xero significantly enough to make an opinion. I have just trialled Accounts portals which has few minor issues. A qualified experienced Bookkeeper can easily spot and correct the issue. I would recommend it to experienced accounting professionals. The chart of account is very good. Maping is excellent. Accounts portal offer a good service at a minimal price. No package can beat it!
I have heard a lot of positive comments about Xero...I suggest you trial it. Most of online accounting package do offer trial. Vt package as a conventional accounting package has also been mentioned by the majority of Bookeeper.
All the Best in your set up,
Nathalie K
Hi Bosco
In order to enter the opening balances in fusion it is best for me to send you to the help guide as there is a step by step guide.
When you are logged in on the right hand of the screen below login details there is fusion help click on that go to getting started and you should see a help guide on opening balances.
The help guide is pretty good for any questions you might have on how to do stuff.
Hope you do well in your future exams.
Hi Bosco
In order to enter the opening balances in fusion it is best for me to send you to the help guide as there is a step by step guide.
When you are logged in on the right hand of the screen below login details there is fusion help click on that go to getting started and you should see a help guide on opening balances.
The help guide is pretty good for any questions you might have on how to do stuff.
Hope you do well in your future exams.
Hi tracy Thankyour for your help, I will try that
Best regards bBosco
“Hi Bosco
The help guide is pretty good for any questions you might have on how to do stuff.
Hi Evryone/ Tallbeans, (actually, my 1st post )
I understand you've passed your computerised exam with fusion 'online free version (if i'm right...) . please, I'v being practising mock with same, and having problem with the 'norminal codes!
Fusion has same norminal codes as costly- Sage but when i generate reports (e.g suppliers detailed report), the codes are not referencing under the column for the NC...(as in the mock result) the 'Invoice Reference number' is showing instead... I am worried, wether one would be able to pass the exam with the improper referencing of the codes.. I was thinking maybe because its free but many have comfimed here that they used same.
By the way, as many also suggested, I tried VT+: which also looks good &easy but I dumped it immediately as its not having the codes,(for exam pourpose) although you can manually key them in, but I'm having the fear i might mess-up everything....
I would like to know how if I am missing something in fusion, that's causing the problem..
Hi Tracy. Is there any chance you could send me the help guide for entering Opening Balance in Fusion please? I'm attempting a mock exam before going for the real thing using a free trial from Fusion but I;m really stuck. I can't find anything on how to enter the opening balances in the Help section.
My email is lucy@teessideim.co.uk
Thanks very much Lucy
“Hi Tracy. Is there any chance you could send me the help guide for entering Opening Balance in Fusion please? I'm attempting a mock exam before going for the real thing using a free trial from Fusion but I;m really stuck. I can't find anything on how to enter the opening balances in the Help section.
My email is lucy@teessideim.co.uk
Thanks very much Lucy ”
Not to worry - I have found it in Live Help!!
Thanks anyway
Hi Everyone
I am currently on level 2 book 2 and soon to take the book 3 computerised level, I currently use xero and after speaking to other bookkeeppers feel that this is the best software provider on the market overtaking Sage, unfortunatly i cannot find and training provider that does book 3 with Xero only Sage, is this my only option ?
I am qualified on Xero for advisor status & Payroll & migration so having to do book 3 on Sage is frustrating...
What is fusion ? is level 3 hard ?