Hi again everyone,
Quick question. The Syllabus on Level ii shows Non profit Orgs, now I have course material from HLC and called them yesterday to say there was nothing in the course material about it. She went on to tell me that it is not until level iii even after I told her I had a copy of the syllabus in front of me. The Course advisor said to me that everything in the course material is what will be covered in the exam if its not there it will not be an exam question.
I explained that I do not want to get caught out by not having the information that is clearly shown as something you must have an understanding of by ICB, her reply was well as I just said it will not be in the exam and if you are really concerned you should just Google Non Profit Orgs and get the information that way.
I am quite annoyed about this really, considering they are supposed to be an ICB accredited course provider.
Please let me have your views, obviously do not divulge any information about exam questions.
Thanks Tina
Hi Tina,
Yes, the syllabus on Level II shows Non-Profit Organisations. I study with Ideal Schools and their course material covers this section, so I am assuming it may be an exam question, unless the ICB has moved this topic to level III and haven't updated their syllabus yet ...
I'd be annoyed too if my course provider told me to look for study materials in google ...
If you want I can scan and email you a Non-Profit section from my Level II book (hope Ideal Schools have nothing against it) 
I would really appreciate that thank you, my email is tina@backhouses.co.uk I will be studying my Level iii with Ideal. I am pretty annoyed about the response to be honest the course cost me over a thousand pound for level i and ii, which is very expensive compared to the other providers - stupid choice on my part never again.
Thank you kindly
- Member PM.Dip
- Practice Licence
- 41 posts
Hi Aleksandra
I am studying with Training Link and they don't have anything in their study material either. I am due to take my exam in 2 weeks so would really appreciate it if you could send me a copy too, would rather be prepared :). My email is carriecrinage@gmail.com thank you !!
Edited at 15 Apr 2011 11:54 AM GMT
- Companion
- Accredited Training Provider IS
- 435 posts
Hi All,
The ICB have move this topic and students will not be tested on this until Level III. I would hope that if you are studying for this level through your current provided that this would be covered within their own course notes.
Good luck with all up coming exams.
Kind regards Brian
Hello All,
I have exactly the same confusion on this. I took Level 11 Manual with Training Link, the Non Profit section was not included, although it was in the syllabus and they said it is now part of Level 111. I have checked out the ICB syllabus for Level 111 and it is not mentioned, neither is it included in the Training Link Level 111. I have just had to refuse a client because of this lack, which is very frustrating.
I emailed ICB a month ago and I am still waiting for clarification on this, despite several reminders. Luckily, it was not included in the exam that I took but I do not want to take Level 111 until this is cleared up, because it seems that I could miss out on a section that is quite important to me.
Why is it so difficult to get this topic answered?
- Companion
- Accredited Training Provider IS
- 435 posts
Hi Sue,
Although the ICB have not updated their syllabus online, it is definite that this subject has been moved to Level III.
We at Ideal Schools have, in the past, dealt with it in Level II, but in more recent editions this has been moved to also be included within Level III. I am sure your provider will update their materials as appropriate as, certainly within the Level III online practice paper, this subject will be tested.
Kind regards
- Member PM.Dip
- Practice Licence
- 115 posts
SueWalker said:
“Hello All,
I have exactly the same confusion on this. I took Level 11 Manual with Training Link, the Non Profit section was not included, although it was in the syllabus and they said it is now part of Level 111. I have checked out the ICB syllabus for Level 111 and it is not mentioned, neither is it included in the Training Link Level 111. I have just had to refuse a client because of this lack, which is very frustrating.
I emailed ICB a month ago and I am still waiting for clarification on this, despite several reminders. Luckily, it was not included in the exam that I took but I do not want to take Level 111 until this is cleared up, because it seems that I could miss out on a section that is quite important to me.
Why is it so difficult to get this topic answered?
It is in my level III manual notes from training link and I never had a question on it when I took my level II manual last year. From memory I think there is a question on it in the level III manual mock.
It is in my level III manual notes from training link and I never had a question on it when I took my level II manual last year. From memory I think there is a question on it in the level III manual mock.
”Thank you Ange, I fell much more confident that I will not be missing out on that section now. I can start on level 111 now.
Thanks again Sue