Hi,I have completed my level 1 online exam but not received my results. It states on the status section 'paper sent', awaiting return.I am not sure why this has happened because I thought you received your results instantly. Is there anyone that can help!Kind RegardsSue
Hi,Strange, I received my results instantly and then the certificate approx. 2 weeks later by post.
Hi Aleksandra,Does it make a difference if you do the online exam at weekend? I assumed you could do the exam anytime?
Hi Sue,I don't think it does make any difference, to be honest.I can find all my exam results in the 'View Results' section on ICB website, have you looked in there?( 'Members Area' → 'Qualification Zone' → 'View Results' ).
Hi AllI would suspect that the lag is due to one of the busy people at the Institute has to go on an manually update the status field which can take them a week or so.If the computer has already given you your result then I doubt it will change.Well done Kind RegardsStuartEdited at 14 Mar 2011 12:41 PM GMT
Hi Aleksandra,I received my result early this morning, I passed! Now it is back to starting on my level 2.Thankyou Aleksandra for your replies.Sue
Hi Stuart,Thank you for your reply. I received my result early this morning. I have passed!Kind RegardsSue
Well done Sue !!! I'm on Level 2 as well at the moment, so we can stay in touch and motivate each other :)
Hi Aleksandra,Thank you. How far are you on your level 2? Kind RegardsSueEdited at 16 Mar 2011 02:03 AM GMT