Buckinghamshire Branch Meeting

Key Details

Event Closed

19 Oct 2023
07:30 PM
Members only
Studio 3, Wycombe Leisure Centre, Handy Cross,High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1UP


Join us for a VAT seminar, we are lucky enough to have Leo Donovan, a VAT specialist and Associate Director, and Partner and Head of Insolvency & Advisory Hayley Simmons of Shaw Gibbs visiting us this month to cover the following areas:

  • VAT at 50 – Where have we been, where are we going?

  • HMRC – topical update & agent interaction

  • New penalty regime

  • Living with Brexit - the gift that keeps on giving

  • Case law update – selection of cases to discuss

  • AOB/questions/open forum 

Leo has over 20 years’ experience in VAT covering a broad range of trade sectors and business areas. He is experienced in giving talks, examples are:

  • AAT CPD event

  • Chamber of Commerce events

  • Corporate client CPD events

  • British American Business Group webinar

  • Sector updates for Academies/MATs 

We are happy to cover anything raised by members in advance, but equally happy to deal with things that arise in the evening. 

If you have a specific question, please email Carol Webb beforehand and I can pass it on to Leo for you.

Please note: The car park is Pay and Display, you can pay by card, and it is 50p for less than 2 hours and £1 for more.

There will be no included refreshments at this meeting, we are allowed to bring our own with no issues so please feel free to bring anything you wish with you. There is a café in the entrance hall, where you can purchase items to bring up to the room, however it does close around 7pm there is a Waitrose next door too.

We look forward to seeing you all there.  

ICB Branch Meetings are organised by members for members

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Structured CPD Points will be automatically applied to your CPD Log. For further information on CPD, please click here
