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Looking for Job Opportunity in Payroll

  • Payroll Agent
  • 10 posts
  • # 122875


I am delighted to let you know that I have achieved my level 3 Diploma in Payroll Management.


Naturally, my next step is to get a job in payroll.

Unfortunately, I don't have any working experience in my new chosen industry, so I imagine any role would be entry-level. If anyone is looking, please let me know. 

I would also be happy to consider an apprenticeship/intern option (I am on the older side, though, but I don't mind if you don't!).


Thank you,



  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 1 post
  • # 122880

Hi Jayne

Well done on passing your Payroll Management exam!

We may be looking for someone to join us in a part-time payroll role in the near future.

If you're interested in arranging a chat about it please email me at:

Kind regards,




I am delighted to let you know that I have achieved my level 3 Diploma in Payroll Management.


Naturally, my next step is to get a job in payroll.

Unfortunately, I don't have any working experience in my new chosen industry, so I imagine any role would be entry-level. If anyone is looking, please let me know. 

I would also be happy to consider an apprenticeship/intern option (I am on the older side, though, but I don't mind if you don't!).


Thank you,




  • Payroll Agent
  • 10 posts
  • # 122881

Hi Jane,


Thank you so much. I have sent you an email.


Jayne Smile

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