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Agent Account

  • Member PM.Dip
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  • # 119938

Please please please could someone help me!  I am about to lose the will to live with this agent account service you can set up with HMRC.   I kid you not, this has been an ongoing saga since April....2020!!!!!


My understanding was that I could set up an agent account and my clients could then authorise me to act on their behalf.  I finally got this set up and got my clients to authorise me, but I can't view their accounts it seems, I can only submit VAT / PAYE.  I've now been told that i need to get 64-8's!


Does anyone know how this system works please and exactly what i need to do from beginning to end to make sure i get this sorted.  I'm wishing i never started it and stuck to keep separate logins for them all, but I can see the benefit of the agent account if someone could just explain to me what on earth i need to do!


Apologies for sounding frustrated but everytime i phone HMRC I get told something different.


Many thanks!


  • Companion Member PM.Dip
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  • # 119943

Hi Karen,


I know that this can be a minefield and everyone's journey seems to be different.


Have you read this page  - you may be joining it part way through.

and perhaps book onto Caryl Gibson's branch meeting on Monday - an opportunity to speak with Verna from HMRC?


(apologies if the links aren't working - I am having some issues)


Hope that helps,


  • Member PM.Dip
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  • # 119945

Hi Kirsty


many thanks for taking the time to reply.  I have just booked onto the webinar for monday!


Since posting this I have yet again been on the phone with HMRC.  It seems that when they ran the beta version of this system they opened up access to agents being able to view the actual account which to me seems really sensible and it enables reconciliation and sorting of queries when they pop up without having to phone HMRC.  They since dropped that functionality so now all you see is literally the client name and the ability to submit PAYE/VAT etc on their behalf.


I was also advised that when you get a client to authorise you for the agent services account this overrides the need for a 64-8!  If only HMRC could get their act together and all have the same knowledge!


Anyhoo.....onwards and upwards!  Thank you so much again.

Karen x

  • Companion Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
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  • # 119955

Hi Karen


I didn't see you on the webinar but I have a contact at HMRC that can get you to Verna.

Message :




Edited at 09 Aug 2021 07:24 PM GMT

  • Member PM.Dip
  • Practice Licence
  • 44 posts
  • # 119956

Hi Kirsty

Thank you so much for thinking of me and getting the contact info.  I had intended on going but I have had such a bad day with hmrc today that it completely slipped my mind. 

I called them this morning, got through, explained everything, got cut off....called them back, got transferred and was told one thing, only to find when I did that it wasn't right. I then called back and tbh I lost it. I actually burst into tears with them which totally isn't me.  I am so tired of the whole process.  After 16 months I have now been told that I have to have two separate agent log ins for vat. One for non mtd clients and one for new mtd clients!!



I asked the agent at hmrc if the calls were recorded.  He said yes and that I can request the transcripts of all the calls I have made regarding this.  So it's absolutely great that you've obtained that contact for me.  I am going to lodge a complain't.  It wil most likely fall on deaf ears but I am so insensed by the way I've been treated and it has caused me so much stress and anxiety.  It has made me look stupid to accountants and clients alike and I'm just at my whits end with it.


Anyway I will stop waffling on and just say thank you so much again, I am extremely grateful to you!

karen x

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